“It is where the words are missing that the music starts;
when the words stop coming, man can only sing.“
Vladimir Jankélévitch

Who i am


..was the title of a concert/conversation I held where I told the story of my family’s origins and sang my maternal grandfather Augusto Cominotti’s music. He used to be a musician of the Savoia House, organist in the Real Church of San Lorenzo, composer and successful songwriter of danceable 20s and 30s’ Fox Trot produced by the Damaso Publishing House of Turin. He had been a pianist on the Mafalda ship, a violinist in different orchestras and bands and, at the Ghersi in Turin, he would play piano and write music for silent films. Moreover, he directed the EIAR orchestra of Turin.

chi sono 02I was born in Turin with an organist/pianist mother and a painter/restorer father (in addition, my great grandfather was a painter and sculptor too, and a pupil of Delleani). When my father asked my mother to marry him he said “Why don’t we unite our two arts?” They weren’t that young anymore but still I managed to appear into the world.

From when I was in my mother’s womb and then in the cradle, I always heard music and singing in our house. On Sundays all kinds of artists used to come over - painters, potters, sculptors, models, poets, musicians – to talk about and make art.

The first opera I ever saw, when I was five, was Turandot by Puccini. I was spellbound by the plot, the staging and the music and Inderstood that my future was singing.

When I was twelve, on one occasion my mother was playing a romance by Tosti at the Malia piano which was often accompanied by my father’s great baritone voice, when I said: “But I know this song!” and started singing it. She was impressed and said “You should start studying canto”. And I did.

Meeting Elio Battaglia at the Conservatory changed my life. He introduced me to the German Lieder and all the vocal chamber music - a real union of music and poetry – and there have been no doubts in the choice of my repertoire since then. 

Aside from singing, I’ve always been inclined towards teaching canto, as every voice is fascinating and represents a unique world in itself. After graduating, I kept doing concerts and teaching. I love every kind of artistic expression and staying among artists. This is the essence and poetry of life for me and I couldn’t be without it.

Teaching experience

chi sono 03From 1989/90 to 1994/95 at the Istituto Musicale P.A. Cuneo di Collegno (TO).

From 1990/91 to 1994/95 at the Cooperativa Musicale di Collegno (TO).

From 1992/93 to 1994/95 at the Art Studio - Torino and at the CDMI Centro Didattico Musicale Italiano di Ugo Viola e Testona - Moncalieri (TO).

From 1997/98 to 2016/17 at the Scuola Comunale Musicale G.Sarti di Faenza (Ra) where I currently teach.

From 2018/19 Singing teacher at the G. Verdi Institute of Music in Asti.

From 2021/22 Singing teacher c/o CFM Music Training Center - Civic of Turin.

in addition:

Choral vocal lessons, groupwork aimed at performing operas and lyric scenes, training workshops, work experiences with chamber music, lessons of music listening, master classes